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Every year the APPLAUSE! Flower Sale helps OPRFHS students raise funds to pay for their individual performing arts expenses. This year 95% of the profits (about 40% of the sale price) goes to students’ individual accounts, which they can then use to pay for lessons, trips, instruments, arts camps, or other performing arts expenses. APPLAUSE! uses the remaining profits for the administrative costs associated with this sale plus to help fund ensemble tour expenses, music clinics, show choreographers, scholarships to keep performing arts accessible to all OPRF students, and much more.


Students sell hanging baskets, bedding plants, and accent plants to neighbors, friends, and families in April by electronically sharing the information and having them order online. The ordering website will close on Sunday, May 7 at 5:00 pm CDT. The flowers will be delivered on May 19 and need to be picked up between 1 pm and 5 pm at the Pilgrim Church parking lot at 460 Lake Street. A Sign Up Genius will be sent out the week of to the students to pick up the plants they are responsible for delivering, and to the customers who choose to pick up their own orders.


Orders can be placed by visiting the order site.  On this site you will designate the student who will receive credit for the sale, whether you want the student to deliver your order or whether you will be picking up your own order, place your order and then pay for your order. THERE ARE ONLY A LIMITED NUMBER OF EACH FLOWER AVAILABLE SO IN ORDER TO GET THE ITEMS YOU WANT PLEASE ORDER EARLY.


Questions? Please contact us at


Parents: When your student participates in this sale, we automatically create an individual performing arts account for that student.  You can withdraw money from that account to be reimbursed for almost any performing arts expense your student incurs at OPRF -- that applies to future expenses and past expenses (as long as you can provide a receipt). Learn more about the process and get the form you need to be reimbursed on the Student Accounts page of the Applause website.



* APPLAUSE! is a 501(c)3 that supports the performing arts at OPRF by giving students the opportunity to earn money for their performing arts education expenses (lessons, instruments, concert tours) as well as providing funds for scholarships, clinics, and concert/music tour expenses.

© 2023 by Applause Flower Sale 2016. Proudly created with

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